the handkerchief which was embroidered by my sister was really beautiful

2.2/5 - (4 bình chọn)

the handkerchief which was embroidered by my sister was really beautiful

Ôn luyện tiếng anh dạng bài viết lại câu

Bài viết liên quan: i met mr smith on the train to hanoi two weeks ago

Câu 4/ The handkerchief which was embroidered by my sister was really beautiful

  • Đáp án: The handkerchief embroidered by my sister was really beautiful [ Chiếc khăn tay do chị tôi thêu rất đẹp  ]

Câu 1/ I don’t like people who arrived late

  • Đáp án: I don’t like people arriving late [ Tôi không thích mọi người đến muộn  ]

Câu 2/ I live in a house which was built a century ago

  • Đáp án: I live in a house built a century ago [ Tôi sống trong một ngôi nhà được xây cách đây một thế kỷ  ]

Câu 3/ The people who work here are very interesting

  • Đáp án: The people working here are very interesting [ Những người làm việc ở đây rất thú vị  ]

Câu 5/ I want you to meet the woman who taught me how to drive]

  • Đáp án: I want you to meet the woman teaching me how to drive [ Tôi muốn bạn gặp người phụ nữ dạy tôi cách lái xe  ]

Câu 6/ The cake which was made by my mother was very delicious

  • Đáp án: The cake made by my mother was very delicious [ Chiếc bánh do mẹ tôi làm rất ngon  ]

Câu 7/ This morning I received a letter which upset me a lot

  • Đáp án: This morning I received a letter upsetting me a lot [ Sáng nay tôi nhận được một lá thư khiến tôi rất buồn  ]

Câu 8/ The composition which was written by Jane was really interesting

  • Đáp án: The composition written by Jane was really interesting [ Bố cục do Jane viết thực sự rất thú vị  ]

Câu 9/ The last person who was interviewed yesterday was Jack

  • Đáp án: The last person interviewed yesterday was Jack [ Người cuối cùng được phỏng vấn hôm qua là Jack  ]

Câu 10/ Valentian Tereskova was the first woman who flew into space

  • Đáp án: Valentian Tereskova was the first woman to fly into space [ Valentian Tereskova là người phụ nữ đầu tiên bay vào vũ trụ  ]

Câu 11/ The only person that remain in the classroom was Peter

  • Đáp án: The only person to remain in the classroom was Peter [ Người duy nhất ở lại lớp học là Peter  ]

Câu 12/ Is there any place where we can stay tonight?

  • Đáp án: Is there any place where we can stay tonight? [ Có nơi nào chúng ta có thể ở lại tối nay không?  ]

Câu 13/ This is the second person who was to be killed in that way

  • Đáp án: This is the second person to be killed in that way [ Đây là người thứ hai bị giết theo cách đó  ]

Câu 14/ He hasn’t got anything that he can wear

  • Đáp án: He hasn’t got anything to wear [ Anh ta không có gì để mặc  ]

Câu 15/ He was the first man who told me the truth

  • Đáp án: He was the first man to teach me the truth [ Anh ta là người đầu tiên dạy tôi sự thật  ]

Câu 16/ There are some reports which you have to type right now

  • Đáp án: There are some reports for you to type right now [ Có một số báo cáo để bạn nhập ngay bây giờ  ]

Câu 17/ The road which connects the two towns is very narrow

  • Đáp án: The road connectting the two towns is very narrow [ Con đường nối hai thị trấn rất hẹp  ]

Câu 18/ The police never found the money which was stolen in the robbery

  • Đáp án: The police never found the money stolen in the robbery [ Cảnh sát không bao giờ tìm thấy số tiền bị đánh cắp trong vụ cướp  ]

Câu 19/ The boy who was injured in the accident was taken to the hospital

  • Đáp án: The boy injured in the accident was taken to the hospital [ Cậu bé bị thương trong vụ tai nạn đã được đưa đến bệnh viện  ]

Câu 20/ The taxi which was taking us to the airport broke down

  • Đáp án: The taxi taking us to the airport broke down [  Chiếc taxi đưa chúng tôi đến sân bay bị hỏng ]

Câu 21/ Do you know the man who left the message?

  • Đáp án: Do you know the man leaving the message? [ Bạn có biết người đàn ông để lại tin nhắn?  ]

Câu 22/ The first group that gives the correct answer will win the game

  • Đáp án: The first group to give the correct answer will win the game [ Nhóm đầu tiên đưa ra câu trả lời đúng sẽ thắng trò chơi  ]

Câu 23/ He is the last person who leaves the room

  • Đáp án: He is the last person to leave the room [ Anh ấy là người cuối cùng rời khỏi phòng  ]
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